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God's Eternal Wisdom

Dayspring Theological University

We make a genuine call to ministers, Christian counselors and pastors, church workers and members of the body of Christ who have a desire for preparation in the areas of Theology Ministry, Education and Christian Counseling.


Is it possible for human kind to get to know God?
Can such a delicate and limited mind really comprehend such a marvelous divinity and majesty?

The study of Theology (the Word of God) was given to us as a gift for us to investigate, to seek the Creator, but most of all, as an invitation to know God. When we study the Word of God in a structured manner and go through the proper courses and disciplines that make up Theology, our own personal transformation is inevitable. (Hamartiology, Soteriology, pneumatology, eclessiology, Christology, anthropology, and escathology). It’s impossible to immerse ourselves in His word without experimenting the rocket effect and impact that the Bible has in our spirits.

The importance of studying theology lies in our natural desire to know our creator, thereafter knowing ourselves. If entire continents have been transformed, it has been only by the word of God. If wonders and miracles have been carried out, it has been by the decree of the word of God. The greatest events in human history are found exclusively in the word of God. And finally, the pinnacle of theology is experienced when the human heart is transformed.

Some of our graduates will be called to mission fields, others to hospitals, rehabilitation centers, urban or global evangelism, or perhaps pastoral work. Whatever call God indicates to their lives, our responsibility is to present a healthy, pure, deep, and above all holy theology. As a Theological University, our commitment to the student body that God has delegated to us, is to guide you toward serving your neighbors.

It is our prayer that the Word of God will continue to transform your lives, that you may face and obtain victory over the challenges of the church and society of the 21st century.

Dr. Adrián Najera
Dayspring Theological University

School of counseling

Today’s church is encountering challenges never before seen. If the church is to become a hospital for souls, then it must acquire the adequate training to develop therapeutical solutions to properly orient the church in harsh times. Our School of Counseling is focused on training professional Christian therapists to provide therapy, psychotherapy and counseling that’s sensitive to Christian cultural issues. The educational programs presented by DTU are unequaled in their field. Through our courses you will gain the greatest degree of knowledge possible. You will be given a syllabus and homework assignments that confront the issues of today, as well as obtain practice on the field as you work cases. We invite you to be a part of this fascinating journey and experience God’s healing at work through Christian Counseling.

Our school year

In our system of School of Ministry, and School of Counseling, the student will take a total of 10 courses per school year. It is divided into 2 semesters of 5 courses per semester. In the classroom, the student will have exposure to practical instances or events that have relevant messages to tell regarding course content. The most motivating cases involve real people with real problems to solve. This is why we meet the student in an audience setting for live interaction between teacher and student. Studying multiple case studies focused on the same content allows students to formulate and test hypotheses. Our live interaction is used to strengthen critical thinking skills such as applying knowledge to a real setting, analyzing problems and developing solutions, evaluating reasoning processes or actions.

Collaborative learning

Students working in groups to complete a specific task or to work together over time to complete various assignments. The most productive collaborations involve a fair division of labor and relevant and complex projects that cannot be completed by an individual alone. Interdependence is required. For this reason, DTU prefers to interact live in our classroom setting.








Cristian Alexis Castillo
Pinar del Río, Cuba

Dayspring Theological University wants to recognize Dr. Cristian Alexis Castillo as TEACHER OF THE SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023. Cristian has experienced the fastest growth in our University within Cuba. In the past 2 years alone, Cristian has extended our prestigious University in more than 4 cities of Cuba, has graduated 3 groups in different cities and continues to grow at a fast pace in the midst of challenges. Together with his wife Ania, they work together to passionately spread the Word of God. Dayspring Theological University, its staff and board of directors wishes to applaud your sacrifice and endorse your projects . Cristian, we admire your service to our Lord.

Teaching Videos

Apply for Admission

Dayspring Theological Unioversity admissions process led to a reputation as a leading academic institution. Contact us to request an admissions application by email or Applicants can easy complete the application online.

Dayspring Theological university

Our Accreditation

Dayspring Theological University is Accredited by Transworld Accrediting Commission.   Transworld Accrediting Commission is an international, non-governmental, educational accrediting body, federally recognized as a non-profit church organization.  Transworld has established high standards of excellence and shared Biblical Doctrine. Transworld accredits and assists Theological Schools, Seminaries, Universities, Colleges and Programs throughout the World.

Purposes of Dayspring Theological University


Our purpose is that the graduate:

May communicate the Word of God to others, with the intention of winning them for Christ.
Demonstrate a genuine interest for missionary work, and a global vision for evangelism.
Demonstrate a genuine interest for rehabilitation centers, hospitals, prisons, volunteer work, and teaching or prayer groups.


In today’s times, when moral values seem to disappear, it is imperative that the Christian utilizes the Bible, being the revelation of the only truth, to solve any and all dilemmas of our society. The bible not only determines doctrinal creeds for the Church, but also establishes the constitution for our overall lifestyle. In this changing world, we still have a solid unchangeable foundation, the word of God. The “Code of Conduct” of Dayspring Theological University is based on biblical teachings and principles; to constantly seek personal holiness, and discipline every area in order to lead a life that glorifies God, and serves as an example for others to follow.


DTU is an institution focused on biblical training to prepare leaders for the challenges of the 21st Century Church, and the 21st Century Society. DTU’s rapid global growth confirms God’s calling to Christian education, and the urgent need to empower men and women with the maturity of spiritual growth, intellect, character, and the faith to lead lives that impact our globe. We believe that only God can provide the educational resources to properly equip the nations for effective Christian ministry. Providing curriculum in multiple languages has always been a challenge, yet greater is He that is with us, and thus far, He has provided.


We make a genuine call to Ministers, church leaders, professional and pastoral counselors, and members of the body of Christ who have a desire ministry training in the areas of Theology, Ministry, Christian Education, and Christian Counseling. Given the daily occupations, inconveniences or economical hardships, many members of the body of Christ cannot attend traditional college or Seminary. We understand these inconveniences; this is why we offer a comfortable system of attendance for the student, while at the same time, a window of opportunity to achieve the goal of obtaining superior ministerial education.



Contact us to request an admissions application. Fill out the application form and pay the non-refundable application fee. Request your transcripts (transcript/records) from all educational ……….

Affiliate With Us

Dayspring Theological University may allow your church or ministry to operate a Bible College under our Affiliate Program. We invite you to contact us and schedule an interview with a director in your area. If your Bible College seeks to operate with the proper accreditation(s), an affiliation under our umbrella may be the right course for your ministry. An assessment is necessary and beneficial to your ministry, where we will guide you every step of the process.